Navigating Geopolitical Turmoil: In-Depth Analysis of Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine Wars

Wars have a substantial impact on global geopolitics, economies, and societies. The ongoing Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine conflicts are particularly noteworthy. This article conducts a comprehensive analysis of these wars, tracing their origins to the present day, with the goal of offering an impartial perspective, while leaning slightly in favor of Israel in the Israel-Gaza conflict.Continue reading “Navigating Geopolitical Turmoil: In-Depth Analysis of Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine Wars”

Who holds the South American threads of economy after Brazil Election?

Brazil narrowly chooses socialism  President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is a trade unionist, and former metalworker who was a former President before he was convicted and imprisoned on corruption charges and of course a Brazilian politician.President Lula had spent around two years in the prison.Lulu will return to his powers as a leader of BrazilContinue reading “Who holds the South American threads of economy after Brazil Election?”

Rishi Sunak >>

Rishi Sunak of Indian origin becomes the first non-white President of United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said “It is only right to explain why I’m standing here, as your new prime minister. Right now, our country is facing a profound economic crisis.” It took the resignations of two prime ministers and lot of wrongContinue reading “Rishi Sunak >>”

France is in no Mood of World War !

Emmanuel Macron explained that they how extend their support to Ukraine by imposing economical restrictions against Russia. PARIS,September;France casting about to end the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia as France don’t want the war to spill it’s gunpowder around the rest of the Europe,Emmanuel Macron said in a TV interview. “We would like to stop theContinue reading “France is in no Mood of World War !”

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